Friday, June 12, 2009

Why Learn Java?

Based on the official white paper from SUN, Java has the following characteristics:
1. Simple
Java programming language using a syntax similar to C + + but syntax in Java has improved a lot, especially the pointer use a complex and multiple inheritance. Java also memory using automatic memory allocation and garbage collection.
2. Object-oriented (Object Oriented)
Java programming using the object-oriented programming can be made in modular and can be used again. Programming object-oriented memodelkan into the real world objects and the interaction between these objects.
3. Didistribusi can easily
Made to create a Java application terdistribusi easily with the libraries that integrate networking in Java.
4. Interpreter
The program is run using the Java interpreter Java Virtual Machine that is (JVM). This causes the Java source code that was compiled into Java bytecodes can be run on a platform that is different.
5. Robust
Java mempuyai high reliability. The Java compiler has ability to detect errors more thoroughly than the language other programming. Have Java runtime Exception-handling for help overcome the error in programming.
6. Safe
As a programming language for Internet applications and terdistribusi, Java have some mechanism for maintaining the security of the application does not used to damage the computer systems that run applications it.
7. Architecture Neutral
Java programs are platform independent. The program has enough one version that can run on different platforms with Java Virtual Machine.
8. Portable
Source code and Java programs can easily be brought to the platform different without having to re-compiled.
9. Performance
Performance in Java are often perceived to be less high. However, performance Java can be improved by using the compilation of Java, such as artificial Inprise, Microsoft and Symantec to use the Just In Time Compilers (JIT).
10. Multi threaded
Java has the ability to create a program that can be to do some work in at once and simultaneous.
11. Dynamic
Java is designed to be run in a dynamic environment. Changes in a class by adding properties or methods can be possible without the program that uses the class.

Also Read:
Introduction JAVA language
What is JAVA Technology
Some Features of JAVA

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