Thursday, June 11, 2009

Introduction JAVA language

Background JAVA Language

Brief History of JAVA
In 1991, a group of Sun engineers led by Patrick Naughton and James Gosling wanted to design a computer language for consumer devices such as cable TV Box. Because the device does not have a lot of memory, language must be small and contain a viscous code. Also because manufakturmanufaktur select a different processor is also different, the language must free from any manufacturer. Project given the code name "Green".
The need for flexibility, a small, wiry and the code of the platform neutral bringing the team to learn the implementation of the Pascal never tried. Niklaus Wirth, creator of the language Pascal was designed that resulted in a portable language intermediate code for the hypothetical machine. This machine is often called the machine maya (virtual machine). This code can then be used in any engine that have interpreters. Green project to use virtual machines to overcome the main issues about the architecture of the machine neutral.
Because people in the project Green-based C + + and Pascal is not the most of syntax is taken from C + +, and adopted the orientation of the object and not procedural. Initially created a language called "Oak" by James Gosling who get inspiration from a tree that is on the office, but as the name itself is the name of Oak programming language that have been previously, and then replace it with SUN JAVA. Name JAVA inspired on their own when they're enjoying a cup of coffee in a a coffee shop and accidentally one of them mention the word JAVA expressive ore origin coffee. Finally, they agreed to provide the name of the programming language Java name.

Product is the first project Green Star 7 (* 7), a remote control that very clever. Because the market is still not interested in the consumer products Green intelligent then the project must find a market of technology created. At the same time, the implementation of the WWW and Internet are experiencing rapid growth. On the other hand, members of the project also Green
realize that the Java programming can be used on the internet, so that the application of the technology further into the lead role on the web.

Java has been the most important features of language
programming of computing since the development of modern humans:
  1. Of SIMULA, the language on an 65-year, the language that most affect Java C + + as well. Adopted this language from the formation of base-derivative object-oriented programming.
  2. Of LISP - language 55 years-an. Adopted garbage collection facilities, and the ability to replicate the generic list processing, even though this facility is rarely that utilize.
  3. From Algol - a language in an 60-year, taken control of the structure assets.
  4. From C + +, the syntax was adopted, in part semantiks and exception handling
  5. There's language, taken strongly type, and exception handling.
  6. From Objective C, taken interface facilities.
  7. Of the Smalltalk language, the approach taken single-root class hiƩrarchie, where the object is one inheritance hierarchy
  8. From the Eiffel language, facilities assertion that applied at the start of part jdk 1.4
Also Read :
What is JAVA Technology
Why Learn Java?
Some Features of JAVA

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